Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Christmas/Wish List

Just blowing off some steam tonight.  No particular motivation or relevance.  Just have been wanting to make a "bucket list" of sorts and hopefully this time next year I can look back on all I've crossed off.  In five years I hope I'll need to write a new list ;-)

1. Specialty.
2. House.
3. A Child/Children.
4. Soul Mate.
5. Passport.
6. Trip to Ireland.
7. European cruise.
8. Publish a novel.
9. A will/living will.
10. No debt. (including student loans)
11. Lasik surgery.
12. Breast enhancement.
13. Trip to London.
14. Trip to Paris.
15. Cross country train ride.
16. A1A roadtrip.
17. Participate in one marathon.
18. Own/be an active partner in a small business.
19. Move out of Florida.
20. See Hawaii.
21. Reach/maintain a size 14.

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